HSCA Pharmacy Supply Chain Forum 2023

Cross Industry Collaboration to Identify Innovative Solutions Impacting the Future of The Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

Worker shortages, international market strain, and pharmaceutical supplier compression have all led to an unavoidable stress within the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain leaving healthcare providers, pharmacists, and drug manufacturers with limited supply to help their patients. It’s time to overhaul the supply chain model and introduce innovative solutions that ensure patients receive safe, high-quality care.

According to Eric Edwards, author of The U.S. Needs to Reimagine Its Pharma Supply Chain published in the Harvard Business Review, “Revamping the supply chain and stockpiling of essential medicines could have substantial economic and health benefits that go beyond rare crises like the pandemic. It would save the hundreds of millions of dollars that U.S. hospitals pay each year to cope with shortages, including those occurring in children’s hospitals.”

Healthcare Supply Chain Association | National Pharmacy Forum

Fagron Sterile Services US (FSS) joined healthcare supply chain leaders including top Group Purchasing Organizations (GPO), government and regulatory representatives (FDA, Whitehouse), national and global pharmacy executives, and industry supplier partners from across the country at this year’s National Pharmacy Forum, hosted by the Healthcare Supply Chain Association (HSCA).

This year's theme focused on "Innovative Solutions Impacting the Future of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain," and concentrated on the evolution of the healthcare supply chain over the years and in the post-COVID era and how this impacts hospital group purchasing, key pharmaceutical issues and therapies, future challenges for pharmacy supply chain, current dilemmas in medical ethics, and healthcare policy updates.

Fagron and FSS Leaders, Erika LaFleur, Vice President of Sales at FSS, Heather Drachbar, Southwest Sales Director at FSS, and Sean Jones, Fagron’s Senior Director of Marketing, had the opportunity to connect with industry leaders to continue conversations about the responsibilities of 503B outsourcing, quality standards, and ways to combat drug shortages.

“HSCA provides a great opportunity to engage with stakeholders across the healthcare industry. As a group of industry leaders, we discussed ways to solve supply challenges today and those anticipated in years to come, that ultimately impact patientcare. Productive discussions focused on building a resilient healthcare supply chain that supports providers with a continuous supply of high-quality products and services, delivered in a timely manner,” said Erika LaFluer, VP of Sales, FSS. 

Ending Drug Shortages

The conference also presented panel discussions on Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA)preparedness, advances by the End Drug Shortage Alliance (EDSA), and current trends, opportunities, and the evolving role of 503B compounding companies. Recurring themes included the continued need for transparency, data, and creativity.

Fagron is a proud member of EDSA and continues to collaborate across the industry to support the end of drug shortages. In line with this mission, Fagron continued conversations with Angels for Change, a patient advocacy group dedicated to raising awareness about the ongoing crisis and connecting patients with lifesaving medicine. FSS looks forward to determining how we can support Project Protect to help protect essential medications from drug shortages. These efforts align closely with Fagron’s recognized commitment to ESG.

Supporting Reliable Supply

As a globally integrated 503B outsourcing partner to US healthcare, FSS is dedicated to creating supply chain resiliency while advancing patient safety. We believe itis our responsibility to deliver high-quality patient-focused solutions and support the continued enhancement of quality standards in the industry, including compliance with cGMP operations and all FDA and DEA regulations.

We collaborate with our customers to deliver innovative, patient-focused solutions including our Instant Ship program. “We listened to the challenges our customers are facing, and in response, developed a program to increase accessibility to critical medications. We collaborated with customers to identify some of the highest-demanded medications and our team works hard to keep those critical medications in stock, ready-to-ship the next business day,” said Ray Dixon, EVP of Commercial Operations, FSS.

Learn More

Download a copy of our broad product portfolio and request your free 503B outsourcing consultation today.

About Fagron Sterile Services US

As a globally integrated 503B creating supply chain resiliency while advancing patient safety, Fagron Sterile Services US (FSS), supports patient-focused healthcare facilities across North America with a reliable supply of critical high-quality sterile medications, produced through cGMP compliant operations.

The FSS team includes operational and regulatory expertise in pharmaceutical manufacturing and repackaging while leveraging industry-leading automation, advanced environmental monitoring, and sophisticated in-house quality testing labs at state-of-the-art DEA and FDA-registered and inspected facilities in Boston, MA and Wichita, KS. Batches are validated to support proper Beyond-Use Dating (BUD) and only release dafter successful sterility, particulate matter, and potency testing are complete.

A broad product portfolio includes ready-to-administer critical care including RFID-enabled OR syringes, labor and delivery, pain management, ophthamlics (including Avastin®), and other specialty medications like the only sterile LET gel, a topical anesthetic.

As a trusted 503B outsourcing partner, FSS holds Integrated Delivery Network (IDN) agreements within all major GPOs.

About Fagron

Fagron is a leading global company active in pharmaceutical compounding, focusing on delivering personalized medicine to hospitals, pharmacies, clinics and patients in 35 countries around the world.

Belgian company Fagron NV has its registered office in Nazareth and is listed on Euronext Brussels and Euronext Amsterdam under the ticker symbol ‘FAGR’. Fagron’s operational activities are managed by the Dutch company Fagron BV, which is headquartered in Rotterdam.

Sean Jones, MBA
Senior Director of Marketing at Fagron North America, with more than a decade of experience in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.